John Hasselfield Endowment Foundation

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John Hasselfield

On November 7 2008 we lost our friend John. While the pain of his loss has subsided for many, the emotion associated with it is still lying just under the surface
of many of us and spills over at a moments notice, brought on by life's simple pleasures and complicated challenges. There isn't a day goes by that someone isn't remembering John. If you want to do some small thing for yourself to reflect on his life with us and your connection to him, honour his close association and love for the Royal Canadian Legion by dropping into one close to you sometime soon and have a beer/drink in his memory - November 11 would be a great day to do this. Stay well and enjoy the memories.

John Hasselfield Receives Lifetime Contribution Award

On October 8, 2009, Vel Hasselfield and several family members attended the Calgary Junior High School Athletic Association's annual banquet held at Heritage Park in Calgary. A highlight of the event was the LIFETIME CONTRIBUTION AWARD presented to John by his former students and lifelong friends, Don Else and Norm Graham. In front of the backdrop of basketball jerseys from each of John's former teams, Vel accepted the award on behalf of John and expressed her warmest regards to the over 900 people in attendance, for the honour bestowed upon John with this award. A plaque was presented to Vel with John's picture and a short commentary of John's contribution to the Calgary Junior High School athletic programs during his tenure as an educator in the public system. The plaque also included one of John's "Hasselosophy's": "Leave this place better off than when you arrived". A donation of $500 was also made to the John Hasselfield Endowment Foundation from proceeds generated during the banquet.

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